Please Resubscribe — thanks

Posted on April 26, 2012


You may have noticed you haven’t received any posts from me lately. Well, it’s like this, I got sued, twice, I started writing my next book and then — unexpectedly — I ended up in an international border dispute.

In other words, it’s been quite the lively adventure, this job. I’ll be writing about all of it coming up, as things are finally settling down.

In addition to my blog, I’ll be launching a morning newsletter. This will be akin to an espresso shot each morning of news analysis for the savvy skeptic. We’ll cover the most interesting topics and do so in unique fashion.

Since you were some of my very first subscribers, I look forward to hearing from you. To reinstate your subscription to my blog and begin receiving new posts — along with the newsletter — just go to and pop your email in the loud, red subscriber box.

See you there.


Posted in: Uncategorized